Maalaisbistro on ollut mukana Parhaissa Ruokablogeissa 21 Joulukuuta 2017 lähtien
1 Maalaisbistro
Annen tuunattu kaalilaatikko
15 Maaliskuu 2020
This chickpea dough is softer than normal pizza dough, but in my opinion even more delicious and a lot easier to make. Furthermore it's vegan, grain-, gluten- and dairy-free. It is widely used in the Mediterranean countries to make small round "pizzas" that are cut up in slices and often eaten without toppings but sometimes dipped in a sauce. In France, for instance, you often put the toppings on after the soccas have been taken out of the oven. Feel free to use whatever toppings and sauces you prefer.
Maalaisbistro on ollut mukana Parhaissa Ruokablogeissa 21 Joulukuuta 2017 lähtien